Hair Transplant Surgery Introduction

What is hair transplant surgery?

Hair transplant surgery is the most popular cosmetic treatment undergone by men, and this section provides answers to all the most pertinent questions about the surgery. The procedure involves expertly transplanting small sets of flourishing scalp grafts to a bare or waning area. This is based on the theory of donor dominance which states that you can move skin with growing hair to a place where the hair has stopped growing and it will continue to grow as normal. The surgery tackles male pattern baldness and other forms of thinning hair.

Who can be treated?

Persons of either sex can benefit from hair transplant surgery, although traditionally the problems of hair loss affect men to a far greater degree. Approximately two thirds of males suffer from male pattern baldness at some point in their lives, and the condition is genetic. This can lower many people’s self-esteem and damage their social interactions. Transplant surgery can help these people to feel better about themselves and regain a fuller, more attractive head of hair.

Is this the best treatment for hair loss?

The usefulness of transplant surgery depends on the individual. Some people may be better served by other treatment and you should always speak first to your doctor and explore the available avenues. However, hair loss can be stressful and emotionally taxing, and this leads many people to try almost anything to cure their baldness. This puts them at risk from unscrupulous companies selling bogus cures for hair loss. By contrast, hair transplant surgery is a medically proven, long-lasting and natural-looking solution when performed by a decent surgeon. Many other treatments are unreliable, and the only two drugs in the area approved by the FDA are Finasteride and Minoxidil.

Is it painful?

Hair transplant procedures usually involve minimal pain. To guarantee this, anaesthetic is injected into the scalp to numb the area. You will be awake during the surgery, but the pricking from these injections will be the only pain felt for most patients. More pain is expected following the surgery, and its severity and duration depends on the individual. If the pain becomes extreme or interferes with your activities then a prescription of pain medication can relieve the symptoms. Inflammation and scabs are also customary on the scalp.

What are the risks?

In the years after the surgery, hair loss may continue to develop in the places outside of the transplanted skin. This unavoidable circumstance can mean that the reconstructed hair grows intact while further bald patches emerge. One way to correct this is to undergo more treatment if the balding worsens significantly.

How much does it cost?

You can expect to pay anything between $3 and $10 per scalp graft; obviously this means that the more hair which needs to be restored, the greater the cost. Grafting for replacement of a considerable amount of hair can run into the region of $10000 to $15000. Talk with people like a hair loss specialist to discuss estimates for a specific amount of restoration.

For more information on Hair Transplant Surgery

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