Introduction to Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is an effective treatment method that is widely acknowledged by dermatologists as being useful and successful. The treatment is offered throughout the USA and the world, and many studies have shown its suitability, safety and reliability.

Who can benefit from laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is for those who wish to remove unwanted hair growing to excess on the face or body. People may wish to eliminate hair for a variety of reasons, whether the purpose is purely cosmetic or to relieve physical symptoms. Excess hair can cause constant itching, as well as giving an unwelcome appearance that lowers many people’s self-esteem and leads to social embarrassment. Approximately one fifth of women in the USA and Canada suffer from difficulties with facial hair. While some types of hair can be unresponsive to treatment, laser hair removal is a reliable way for both men and women to regain their confidence and do away with irritating patches of hair.

Which areas can be treated?

People grow excessive hair on places including the face, arms, ears, bikini line, neck, back, chest, and legs. All of these and more have been treated with laser hair removal. It is down to personal preference and circumstances whether your particular hair growth warrants removal and this can be influenced by social factors. For instance, many women with facial growth over the upper lip or on the chin will choose laser removal, whereas men are more likely to be concerned with hair between the eyebrows or on the back.

How does it work?

Each hair on the human body sprouts from an individual hair follicle. Laser hair removal seeks to damage the follicles in a problem area so that the current hair is destroyed and future hair growth is stalled. This is achieved with a special laser, focusing intense light energy on to the hair follicles. Multiple treatments reduce the amount of hair produced.

Is it painful?

The process requires simple shaving, cleansing and anaesthetising of the target area before the laser projects its powerful, accurate light. Most patients experience discomfort at the start, though minor pain is an occasional occurrence. Some redness, itching, burning or inflammation may arise, but this is usually quick to disappear.

How long do the results last?

Laser hair removal is by far the most long-lasting practical method, with countless patients eventually reporting no hair growth at all for up to six months. Other methods such as plucking, shaving, waxing and chemical techniques do not destroy the follicles, while electrolysis can be lengthy and painful. With repeated treatments, laser hair removal provides long-term reduction in the rate of excess hair growth.

How much does it cost?

The pricing varies depending on the clinic, the time taken and the specifics of each treatment. Some practices charge a flat rate while others take many factors into consideration.

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